A Prescription for Success

Marissa Schlaifer

Marissa Schlaifer (B.S. ’87, M.S. ’92) established an endowment at the College of Pharmacy through her estate plan.

When Marissa Schlaifer (B.S. ’87, M.S. ’92) came to The University of Texas at Austin, she entrenched herself in the community and culture of the College of Pharmacy and the pharmacy profession, running for national office in the Student American Pharmacists Association, Student APhA, (now the APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists) and running (albeit unsuccessfully) for the position of speaker of the house.

“I was able to attend national pharmacy association meetings with funds provided by generous alumni,” says Marissa. “I was introduced to new ideas and people who would guide me in my career. I want current and future students to have those same opportunities.” For this purpose, Marissa established the Marissa Schlaifer Student Professional Development Endowment through her estate plan.

“It is important that students receive professional development opportunities,” says Marissa. “For me, it would be a dream to be in the position to pay for every student pharmacist to attend their chosen conference. I would not be in the job I am in today if there hadn't been money from the college to go to that first conference.”

Marissa is grateful for the life and career she’s been able to have thanks to her UT education and feels strongly about her commitment to her philanthropic goals. “Donors to the College of Pharmacy allow students to graduate from one of the top pharmacy programs in the country, get a great job and make decent money. To me, giving back is an obligation. If you can give back but don't, you're ignoring all of what was given to you.”

What Are You Grateful For?

If you are thankful for the College of Pharmacy, we can help you find a gift option that matches your philanthropic passions while meeting your financial needs. For example, there are gifts that come with reliable income for life or options that provide attractive tax benefits. Download our complimentary guide, “6 Ways to Secure the Future of Texas Pharmacy,” to learn more. For more information, contact the Gift and Estate Planning Team at 512-475-9632 or giftplan@austin.utexas.edu.